Passive Fire Protection

Passive Fire Protection

We offer a comprehensive range of passive fire protection services including penetrations and fire doors.

We are fully third party accredited by FIRAS Warrington Fire for our passive fire penetrations and fire door installation works.

This demonstrates our on-going passion and investment in improving standards for our clients.

And it doesn’t stop there. Our dedicated team support you all the way, from initial inspection to post-installation service and completion.

We work in partnership with our clients, contractors and Fire Risk inspectors to ensure that we provide cost-effective,

fully designed and engineered fire stopping systems tailored to each building.

Our clients come direct to us to provide a solution to the passive fire protection once they are in possession of their Fire Risk Assessment.

We are also gaining new leads from developments from Fire Risk Assessors recommendations.

We install Passive Fire Protection services to seal penetrations formed for the passage of services such as cables, containment and pipes.

Our systems range from simple gap sealing to more complex installations. We also provide installation works for the protection of mechanical

and electrical services penetrating through walls and floors, with structural and loadbearing options available for service risers and shafts.

As part of our commitment to achieving the highest possible safety standards, we have in-house and FIRAS third party Technical Compliance Auditors who monitor and report on our installation work.